Termites are the definition of strength in numbers. They are small social insects that live in colonies comprising of their own complex hierarchies. Their colonies can vary in size, including just two termites -- a king and queen -- to a few hundred individuals. However, mature termite colonies can potentially grow even bigger!
In addition to a king and queen, colonies are comprised of several other castes of termites, including reproductive, workers and soldiers. When a reproductive termite is ready to reproduce, it gains wings and flies off to mate and start a new colony.

+ Strength in numbers
+ Highly organised colonies
+ Soldiers have one of the most powerful bites out there
+ Males can fly
+ King & queen are very powerful
+ Lots of diversity in play styles
+ Swarming tactics are able to take down much larger opponents
+ Excellent communication
+ Fungi farmers
+ Good overall defense & health across the castes
- Non flying termites vulnerable to air attacks
- Can be weaker if isolated
- If the queen falls so does the colony
- Blind, makes it very difficult for the termite to notice concealed insects
Life Cycle:
Egg > Nymph > Worker/Soldier/Reproductive> Winged reproductive>King/Queen
Forest/Jungle climate
Termite mounds (can be in/on the ground or found inside wood)
Herbivore - Organic plant matter, wood & grass