Asian Hornet
Vespa mandarinia
A highly feared and despised insect, the asian murder hornet is a well rounded and capable flying destruction machine. Some of the smallest hornet workers are even bigger than the queens of some other species.
Hornets are the true owners of the skies and are highly accomplished predators. A hornet hive will often totally decimate bee hives, and other insects in the area. While these raids take place he workers defend their hive with their potent stingers.
Their enormous mandibles can tear through even the hardest carapace and if that fails their venom is so strong that death is almost always assured.
The hornet is a playstyle which is guaranteed to quench your murderous rage. Their tough armour make it so that you can take on multiple enemies at once.
+ Can fly quickly & with high agility
+ Queens & workers have a very powerful sting
+ Can sting multiple times without taking damage
+ A very strong bite
+ Social species
+ Very tough
+ Very aggressive
- Males can't sting
- Colonies tend to be small
- Disliked by many makes it difficult to engage in diplomacy
Life Cycle:
Egg > Larvae > Pupa >Female Worker/Drone > Male/Queen
Forest, Jungle,
Hornets like wasps, make nests from paper and can be found in hollow trees or cool places.
A hornet eats tree sap, leaves, flies, bees, and other insects