Honey Bee
Apis mellifera

Honeybees are highly social and cooperative insects who live together in a hive. A hive's inhabitants are divided into three types.
The queen bee, drones and worker bees.
Each of these roles all have specific tasks to help support the colony. The queen bee lays hundreds of eggs. The male drones' main function is to be ready to fertilize a receptive queen. Worker bees do all the different tasks needed to operate and maintain the hive.
Honey bees live on stored honey made from pollen and nectar collected from flowers. They are vital flower pollinators and during the cold nights/winters they will cluster into a ball to conserve warmth. The hive's larvae are fed from the food stores during this season and, by spring, the hive is swarming with a brand new generation of bees.

+ Can fly quickly & with high agility
+ Queens & workers have a powerful sting
+ Strong bite
+ Can swarm larger insects
+ Social species
+ Hives produce honey
+ Strength in numbers
+ Nectar carrier
- Males can't sting
- No armour
- Takes heavy damage after stinging
- Smaller amounts of health when compared to some other insects
Life Cycle:
Egg > Larvae > Pupa >Female Worker/Drone > Male/Queen
Forest, Jungle
Honeybees live together in a hive which can be found in a variety of places, most commonly hollow trees.
Nectar and pollen, but there are times when food is scarce, and they may eat insect secretions. They are also known to eat a little fruit, such as plums and grapes